Results for 'Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart'

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  1.  57
    Münsteraner Memorandum Heilpraktiker. Die Thesen des „Münsteraner Kreises“ zu einer Neuregelung des Heilpraktikerwesens.Manfred Anlauf, Norbert Aust, Hans-Werner Bertelsen, Juliane Boscheinen, Edzard Ernst, Daniel R. Friedrich, Natalie Grams, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Jutta Hübner, Peter Hucklenbroich, Heiner Raspe, Jan-Ole Reichardt, Norbert Schmacke, Bettina Schöne-Seifert, Oliver R. Scholz, Jochen Taupitz & Christian Weymayr - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (4):334-342.
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  2. Nietzsche’s Ecce homo, Notebooks and Letters: 1888-1889.Daniel Fidel Ferrer & Friedrich Nietzsche - 2023 - von Verden Verlag: Kuhn.
    Nietzsche’s Ecce homo, Notebooks and Letters: 1888-1889 / Translation by Daniel Fidel Ferrer. ©2023 Daniel Fidel Ferrer. All rights reserved. -/- Ecce homo: How One Becomes What One Is (Ecce homo: Wie man wird, was man ist). -/- Who should read Nietzsche? You can disagree with everything Nietzsche wrote and re-read Nietzsche to sharpen your attack. Philosophy. Not for use without adult supervision (required). Philosophy is a designated area for adults only. Read at your own risk. You have (...)
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    Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher, Herméneutique. Pour une logique du discours individuel, présentation, traduction et notes par Christian Berner, Lille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, coll. « Opuscules φ », nouvelle édition revue et augmentée, 2021 [1989], 292 p., 25 euro. [REVIEW]Stanislas Deprez - 2021 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146 (4):552-553.
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  4. Friedrich Schleiermachers Theologie ist nicht rational.Daniel von Wachter - 2019 - In Sven Grosse, Schleiermacher kontrovers. pp. 159-181.
    Friedrich Schleiermacher suggested that his project was to make Christianity compatible with reason and with the natural sciences. This article argues that Schleiermacher re- jected Christian doctrine und developed a religion which he called ‘Christian’ but which does not contain the Chris- tian doctrine and which is not rational. The article sketches Schleiermachers rejection of Christian doctrine, examines his claim that the natural sciences exclude miracles, criti- cises Schleiermachers non-cognitivism, and sketches the role of doctrine in (...)
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    To feel with and for Friedrich Schleiermacher: On religious experience.Daniël P. Veldsman - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-5.
    The German systematic theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher has shaped Western Christian theological thinking in many ways. One such influential way has been his formulation and exposition of religious experience, and specifically the concept of the ‘feeling of absolute dependence’. From a brief account of his understanding of the ‘feeling of absolute independence’, a few critical remarks are made from the broader context of contemporary hermeneutical discourses, focusing on the constitutive role of affectivity and narrative identity in religious experiences of (...)
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    Schleiermacher’s Theology of Sin and Nature: Agency, Value, and Modern Theology.Daniel J. Pedersen - 2019 - Routledge.
    Friedrich Schleiermacher is often considered the Father of Modern Theology, known for his attempt to reconcile traditional Christian doctrines with philosophical criticisms and scientific discoveries. Despite the influence of his work on significant figures like Karl Barth, he has been largely ignored by contemporary theologians. Focussing on Schleiermacher's doctrine of sin, this book demonstrates how Schleiermacher has not only been misinterpreted, but also underestimated, and deserves a critical re-examination. The book approaches Schleiermacher on sin with respect to three (...)
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    “Expression to Our Christmas Feeling”: Schleiermacher’s Translation of Religion into the Bourgeois Family.Daniel Weidner - 2023 - In Vestrucci Andrea, Beyond Babel: Religion and Linguistic Pluralism. Springer Verlag. pp. 179-189.
    The paper analyzes Christmas Eve, a short dialogue by the protestant romantic Friedrich Schleiermacher published in 1806, as an attempt to translate the traditional language of Christmas into the idiom of the modern, gendered family life. The central message of Christmas is rearticulated in the realm of private family life, the division of gender, the naïve happiness of the children etc. At the same time, the form of the dialogue among the family members and some close friends is used (...)
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    Exemplarity and Its Discontents.Daniel Conway - 2021 - The Owl of Minerva 52 (1):137-157.
    This essay situates Jon Stewart’s Hegel’s Interpretation of the Religions of the World and Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion in the genre of philo­sophical anthropology, wherein corresponding conceptions of the human and the divine are studied in tandem and the reciprocal relationship between them is revealed. In this context, the essay shows how Hegel’s interpretation of religion—viz. as a trans-cultural vehicle of human maturation—can make a significant contribution to our thinking about globalization, the pursuit of reciprocal recognition, and (...)
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    Paulus Unter den Philosophen.Christian Strecker, Joachim Valentin & Micha Brumlik (eds.) - 2013 - Kohlhammer.
    English summary: Was Paul of Tarsus a philosopher? Does he even rank amongst those philosophers who influenced occidental live and thought? The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben says, that the Epistle to the Romans is the fundamental messianic text of the western culture. The Jewish scholars Jacob Taubes and Daniel Boyarin insist on the philosophical and political Force of Pauline thinking. Long before that, Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger dealt intently with the Epistle. Was Paul a Philosopher? In any (...)
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    11. Christian Konrad Wilhelm Dohm an Ernst Daniel Deutsch, 12. April 1778 - 21. Georg Friedrich Brandes an Christian Gottlob Heyne, 24. Mai 1782. [REVIEW]Falk Wunderlich, Gideon Stiening & Udo Roth - 2016 - In Falk Wunderlich, Gideon Stiening & Udo Roth, Briefwechsel. De Gruyter. pp. 244-248.
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  11. A Duty to Adopt?Daniel Friedrich - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (1):25-39.
    All over the world millions of children are without parental care. As a consequence they are liable to suffer serious harm. I argue the general duty to assist those in need extends to children without parental care and that some people are under a moral duty to adopt rather than have biological children. I defend this claim against the following objections: (1) intimate decisions are excluded from the duty to assist, (2) adopting children is too costly to be required by (...)
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  12. Promises and Trust.Daniel Friedrich & Nicholas Southwood - 2010 - In Hanoch Sheinman, Promises and Agreements: Philosophical Essays. Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    In this article we develop and defend what we call the “Trust View” of promissory obligation, according to which making a promise involves inviting another individual to trust one to do something. In inviting her trust, and having the invitation accepted (or at least not rejected), one incurs an obligation to her not to betray the trust that one has invited. The distinctive wrong involved in breaking a promise is a matter of violating this obligation. We begin by explicating the (...)
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  13.  14
    Friedrich Schleiermachers Ästhetik.Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher - 2019 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
    Mit der Reihe "Literatur und Archiv" wird im Kreuzungsbereich der beiden Begriffe ein gemeinsames Gesprächsfeld zwischen Literatur- und Editionswissenschaft, Archivtheorie, Archiv- und Kulturwissenschaft sowie der Praxis heutiger Archive etabliert.
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  14. The alluringness of desire.Daniel Friedrich - 2012 - Philosophical Explorations 15 (3):291 - 302.
    A central aspect of desire is the alluringness with which the desired object appears to the desirer. But what explains the alluringness of desire? According to the standard view, desire presents its objects with a certain allure because desire involves believing that the desired object is good. However, this cannot explain how those who lack the cognitive sophistication required for evaluative concepts can nonetheless have desires, how nihilists can continue to have desires, nor how we can desire things we believe (...)
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    Platons Werke.Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher - 1804 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Friedrich Schleiermacher, Lutz Käppel, Johanna Loehr, Male Günther & Plato.
    Contains the Greek texts of Phaedrus, Lysis, Protagoras, and Laches, with multiple recensions of Schleiermacher's German translations in parallel columns. Critical matter in German.
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  16. (1 other version)Democratic Education: An (im)possibility that yet remains to come.Daniel Friedrich, Bryn Jaastad & Thomas S. Popkewitz - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):571-587.
    Efforts to develop democratic schools have moved along particular rules and standards of ‘reasoning’ even when expressed through different ideological and paradigmatic lines. From attempts to make a democratic education to critical pedagogy, different approaches overlap in their historical construction of the reason of schooling: designing society by designing the child. These approaches to democracy make inequality into the premise of equality, assuming a consensual partition of the world and the need for specific agents to monitor partitioned boundaries, thus reinserting (...)
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  17. Belief and Motivation.Daniel Friedrich - 2013 - Theoria 80 (3):255-268.
    Humeans claim that all motivation is by desire. Anti-Humeans maintain that some beliefs can motivate all by themselves. This dispute, I argue, hinges on the question whether belief can rationalize motivation. Moreover, I argue belief can rationalize motivation since rationality requires that one be motivated to φ if one believes one has most reason to φ, and it is possible to be motivated to φ because one believes one has most reason to φ and one exercises one's capacity for rational (...)
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    Priorities 2008: Newcastle, 28.–31. Oktober 2008.Daniel R. Friedrich, Kathrin Alber, Birgitta Bayerl & Thorsten Meyer - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (2):149-152.
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    Priorities 2008.Daniel R. Friedrich, Kathrin Alber, Birgitta Bayerl & Dr Thorsten Meyer - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (2):149-152.
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  20. Briefwechsel 1801-1802.Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher, Andreas Arndt, Wolfgang Virmond & H. Fischer - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (4):824-824.
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  21. Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsätzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt. Zweite Auflage.Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher, Rolf Schäfer, H. Fischer, U. Barth, K. Cramer & G. Meckenstock - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (1):152-153.
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  22. Kirchenpolitische Schriften. Kritische Gesamtausgabe Erste Abteilung: Schriften und Entwürfe, Band 9.Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher, Günter Meckenstock, Hans-Friedrich Traulsen, F. Schleiermacher & H. Fischer - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):193-194.
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  23. Schrifien aus der Stolper Zeit.Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher, Eilert Herms, Günter Meckenstock & Michael Pietsch - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (1):150-151.
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    „Just Health: Meeting Health Needs Fairly“*: Autorendiskussion mit Norman Daniels, 02./03. Oktober 2007 am Ethik-Zentrum der Universität Zürich. [REVIEW]Daniel R. Friedrich - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (1):64-68.
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  25. Shaftesbury und das deutsche geistesleben.Christian Friedrich Weiser - 1916 - Berlin,: B. G. Teuber.
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    Educational States of Suspension.Tyson E. Lewis & Daniel Friedrich - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (3).
    In response to the growing emphasis on learning outcomes, life-long learning, and what could be called the learning society, scholars are turning to alternative educational logics that problematize the reduction of education to learning. In this article, we draw on these critics but also extend their thinking in two ways. First, we use Giorgio Agamben and Gilles Deleuze to posit two educational logics—tinkering and hacking, respectively—that suspend and render inoperative learning logics, expectations, and evaluative metrics. Second, we argue that contemporary (...)
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    Amicus diu quaeritur.Christian-Friedrich Collatz - 1981 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 125 (1-2):159-162.
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    An Essay in Kantian Ethics: A New Interpretation and Justification of the Categorical Imperative.Christian Friedrich Reinhold Illies - 1995
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    Ueber den Geist der Tonkunst: und andere Schriften.Christian Friedrich Michaelis & Lothar Schmidt - 1997 - [Chemnitz]: G. Schroder. Edited by Lothar Schmidt.
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    Ueber die sittliche Natur und Bestimmung des Menschen: Band die Grundlehren der Moral und des Naturrechts betreffend.Christian Friedrich Michaelis & Immanuel Kant - 1796
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    Kant und seine Tischgenossen.Christian Friedrich Reusch - 1973 - Köngisberg,: In Commission bei Tag & Koch [Bruxelles] Culture et civilisation.
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  32. Das Gesetz als Norm und Massnahme: das besondere Gewaltverhältnis.Christian Friedrich Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer & Menger (eds.) - 1957 - Berlin: de Gruyter.
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  33. Promises beyond assurance.Nicholas Southwood & Daniel Friedrich - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 144 (2):261 - 280.
    Breaking a promise is generally taken to involve committing a certain kind of moral wrong, but what (if anything) explains this wrong? According to one influential theory that has been championed most recently by T.M. Scanlon, the wrong involved in breaking a promise is a matter of violating an obligation that one incurs to a promisee in virtue of giving her assurance that one will perform or refrain from performing certain acts. In this paper, we argue that the “Assurance View”, (...)
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    “Medical necessity”: challenges of a fuzzy concept.Bettina Schöne-Seifert, Daniel R. Friedrich, Anke Harney, Stefan Huster & Heiner Raspe - 2018 - Ethik in der Medizin 30 (4):325-341.
    „Medizinische Notwendigkeit“ (MedN) ist der zentrale Steuerungsbegriff für die Finanzierung medizinischer Versorgung in der deutschen Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Trotz seiner scheinbaren Objektivität und Bestimmtheit durch ärztliche Expertise ist der Begriff alles andere als eindeutig definiert. In diesem ersten von fünf geplanten Aufsätzen zur Begriffsklärung von MedN aus medizintheoretischer, -ethischer, rechtlicher und (sozial)medizinischer Perspektive geht es um eine Systematisierung der aktuellen Kontroversen. Damit soll eine Fundierung für Detaildebatten gelegt werden, die bisher fehlt. Geklärt werden sollen die begriffliche Struktur, Funktion, Kontextualität und Missverständlichkeit (...)
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    Marginale Wirksamkeit als Posteriorisierungskriterium – Begriffsklärungen und ethisch relevante Vorüberlegungen.Alena M. Buyx, Daniel R. Friedrich & Bettina Schöne-Seifert - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (2):89-100.
    ZusammenfassungDie demografische Entwicklung und der medizinische Fortschritt werden die Problematik der Ressourcenknappheit im Gesundheitswesen in Zukunft weiter verschärfen. Auch Deutschland steht eine Prioritätensetzung im Gesundheitswesen bevor. Diese sollte in möglichst transparenter Weise nach klaren Kriterien erfolgen. Ein nur selten in diesem Kontext besprochenes Kriterium der Verteilung von Mitteln in der Gesundheitsversorgung ist die marginale Wirksamkeit medizinischer Leistungen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird dieses Kriterium vorgestellt und auf seine Fairness hin untersucht. Nach der kritischen Diskussion einiger Argumente gegen den offenen Einsatz von (...)
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  36. An Atlas of Interpersonal Situations. [REVIEW]Daniel Friedrich - 2004 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 25 (1):75-78.
    At the 1995 meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology in Washington, D.C., Harold H. Kelley gave a presentation describing the notion of distinguishing all possible 2x2 situations and the corresponding patterns of social interaction. “The meeting participants had enjoyed a dinner reception at the French Embassy, with dancing and champagne. Holmes, Kelley, and Rusbult had returned to the hotel and were standing on the corner, when Reis leapt off a later bus and ran up to them saying, ‘Why (...)
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    Moral Realism as a Moral Doctrine. [REVIEW]Daniel Friedrich - 2010 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 88 (4):759-760.
    Includes bibliographical references (p. [365]-374) and index Introduction -- Mind-independence -- Determinate correctness -- Uniform applicability -- Invariance -- Transindividual concurrence -- Impartiality -- Truth-aptitude -- Further dimensions of ethical objectivity? -- Supervenience as an ethical phenomenon.
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  38. Anschauungen.Karl Christian Friedrich Krause - 1890 - Leipzig,: O. Schulze. Edited by Paul Hohlfeld & August Wünsche.
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  39. Ausgewählte Schriften.Karl Christian Friedrich Krause - 2007 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Enrique M. Ureña & Erich Fuchs.
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    Ciencia universal pura de la razón, o, Iniciación a la parte principal analítica de la estructura orgánica de la ciencia.Karl Christian Friedrich Krause - 1986 - Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Edited by José María Artola, Pérez López & Manuel Francisco.
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  41. Vorlesungen über die grundwahrheiten der wissenschaft, zugleich in ihrer beziehung zum leben, nest einer kurzen darstellung und würdigung der bisherigen systeme der philosophie.Karl Christian Friedrich Krause & Aug Wünsche - 1911 - Leipzig,: Dieterich. Edited by August Wünsche.
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    Internet surveillance after Snowden.Christian Fuchs & Daniel Trottier - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (4):412-444.
    PurposeThis paper aims to present results of a study that focused on the question of how computer and data experts think about Internet and social media surveillance after Edward Snowden’s revelations about the existence of mass-surveillance systems of the Internet such as Prism, XKeyscore and Tempora. Computer and data experts’ views are of particular relevance because they are confronted day by day with questions about the processing of personal data, privacy and data protection.Design/methodology/approachThe authors conducted two focus groups with a (...)
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    Apologies and Relationships: Solving a Puzzle. [REVIEW]Norbert Anwander & Daniel Friedrich - 2012 - Journal of Value Inquiry 46 (3):331-338.
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    Gibt es ›Musik‹? Einführung in ein Problemfeld.Christian Grüny & Daniel Martin Feige - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 66 (2):6-9.
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    Aristoteles-Kommentare und ihre Überlieferung: Wichtige Etappen von der Antike bis in die frühe Neuzeit.Christian Brockmann, Daniel Deckers & Stefano Valente (eds.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Von der Antike und der Spätantike bis ins Mittelalter und in die Neuzeit stellt die Kommentierung der aristotelischen Schriften eine der fundamentalen Formen philosophischer Tätigkeit dar. In diesem Sammelband werden wesentliche Etappen der griechischen Kommentartradition zu den Schriften des Aristoteles sowie ihre philosophische und kulturgeschichtliche Bedeutung an ausgewählten Beispielen analysiert und interpretiert. Die Autorinnen und Autoren setzen sich dabei sowohl mit den Manuskripten und der Überlieferung einzelner Schriften als auch mit der Rezeption und Weiterentwicklung der Aristotelischen Philosophie auseinander. Der Kernbestand (...)
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    Introduction.Christian Leduc & Daniel Dumouchel - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (1):7-10.
    In this paper, I show that Maupertuis and Euler offer a contrasting conception of metaphysics of nature. It consists mainly for them in repositioning cosmology in relation to natural sciences. Instead of considering metaphysics to be at the foundation of scientific theories, as was assumed by Descartes, Wolff, and, in a certain way, Kant, or simply prohibiting the very idea of a cosmology, as d’Alembert would stipulate at the same period, Maupertuis and Euler invert the order of disciplines to give (...)
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    Les ismes et catégories historiographiques. Formation et usage à l'époque moderne.Christian Leduc & Daniel Dumouchel (eds.) - 2021 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Les disciplines historiques, littéraires et philosophiques font un emploi abondant des catégories historiographiques. Parmi celles-ci, les termes en ismes sont très fréquents pour référer à une doctrine, un courant artistique, une idéologie ou des événements spécifiques. On fait cependant remarquer que ces désignations posent de nombreux problèmes d’interprétation. En particulier, que l’origine exacte d’une catégorie est souvent méconnue et que sa signification est plus équivoque qu’on ne le croit habituellement. La formation d’un terme en isme s’explique souvent dans un contexte (...)
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    Optimality theory and the problem of constraint aggregation.Christian List & Daniel Harbour - 2001 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy.
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  49. (2 other versions)Optimality theory and the problem of constraint aggregation.Christian List & Daniel Harbour - 2000 - In Rajesh Bhatt & Patrick Hawley, MIT Working Papers in Philosophy and Linguistics, Volume 1.
    This paper applies ideas and tools from social choice theory (such as Arrow's theorem and related results) to linguistics. Specifically, the paper investigates the problem of constraint aggregation in optimality theory from a social-choice-theoretic perspective.
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    (1 other version)What a dualist should say about the exclusion argument.Christian List & Daniel Stoljar - 2007 - Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science.
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